sapun2013-06-05 14:30:49
Ruby on Rails
sapun, 2013-06-05 14:30:49

Puppet deploy Rails

Good afternoon!
Please tell me how can I deploy a Rails web application on servers automatically through Puppet?
Capistrano is a very good tool, but can it auto-deploy? It's just that the task is the following - you will need to pour a lot of the same type of hosts - a new virtual machine is created, the environment is poured and you need to pour the rails application there ... All the same, how to do it automatically and competently?

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3 answer(s)
1nd1go, 2013-06-05

It is necessary to use, in addition to puppet, another tool for unfolding. Puppet is a "filler" (provisioning). Those. this is the system configuration in code. Because of this, the model for updating the configuration once every half an hour, etc., has been adopted.
Application deployment is a separate task. For her, there is MCollective, which used to be part of the puppet, and now it is developing separately. It already allows deployment on call to multiple machines managed by this MCollective. The analogue of this tool is just Capistrano.
Read the Pro Puppet book for how MCollective is used there.

vazic, 2013-06-05

shapeshed.com/building-a-rails-server-with-puppet/ ?

Pavel Tsaregorodtsev, 2013-06-06

1) you can try to package your application (deb, ebuild, rpm) + file autobuild
2) in the boss, you can create a git resource and, for example, do pull and a certain set of commands you need, I think something similar is built in pappet

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