mov eax, 0x802019-08-21 17:35:27
mov eax, 0x80, 2019-08-21 17:35:27

Protecting source code from modification?

Is it possible to make it as difficult as possible (it is clear that the application is not 100% secure) to obtain the source code and modify it for Node.js applications? I know about obfuscation, but maybe there are better ways?
The essence of the problem - it is necessary to distribute the software under a license. The customer downloads the application, buys an activation key and launches the application on his server. Naturally, if the source codes are in plain text form, then it will not be difficult to find a mechanism for checking the license.

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3 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2019-08-21

Here ( bytenode )
Protecting the application

ThunderCat, 2019-08-21

there is an ioncube for puff, whether there is something similar for a node is a mystery, you can google in this direction.

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