WhiteNinja2015-11-09 21:10:57
WhiteNinja, 2015-11-09 21:10:57

Proper use of UnitOfWork in services?

Good day!
The system is designed on N-Layer architecture:

  • DAL data layer (Data Access Layer) (Entity Framework 6, Repositories, UnitOfWork)
  • BLL (Business Logic Layer) logic layer
  • PL (Presentation layer) display layer (ASP.NET MVC 4)

The question is -
Which of the options for using UnitOfWork in BLL services is more correct?
Option 1 (using a property, and explicitly calling Dispose() on the ASP.NET MVC controller):
namespace MyApp.BLL.Services
    public class MyService
    private UnitOfWork _uow { get; set; }
    public MyService()
      _uow = new UnitOfWork();
    public List<SomeDTO> SomeGetMethod()
      IEnumerable<Entity> entities = _uow.SomeRepository.Get(x => x.Id==1);
      return ...
    public void SomeSetMethod(int value)
      _uow.SomeRepository.Insert(new Entity { Value = value });
      _uow.Commit(); // SaveChanges();
    public Dispose()

Option 2 (using the using construct):
namespace MyApp.BLL.Services
    public class MyService
    public List<SomeDTO> SomeGetMethod()
      using(UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork())
        IEnumerable<Entity> entities = uow.SomeRepository.Get(x => x.Id==1);
      return ...
    public void SomeSetMethod(int value)
      using(UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork())
        uow.SomeRepository.Insert(new Entity { Value = value });
        uow.Commit(); // SaveChanges();

And also the second question about services:
Let's say there is a service that is responsible for the operation of the messages module in the system - IMessagesService and there is a second service that is responsible for the operation of another ISomeService module. As a result of executing some method in the ISomeService service, a message must be sent to the system. Would it be correct to call another service's IMessagesService method to send a message?
public interface IMessagesService
  void Send(int userFrom, int userTo, string message);
  // other methods...

public class MessageService
  public void Send(int userFrom, int userTo, string message)
    // some logic here

public interface ISomeService
  void SomeMethod(int somevalue);

public class SomeService: ISomeService
  public void SomeMethod(int somevalue)
    // some logic here
    // после необходимо отправить сообщение
    messageService = new MessageService();
    messageService.Send(1, 2, "some text");

In other words, is it correct to call the methods of another service from one service?
Thanks in advance for any help!

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2 answer(s)
WhiteNinja, 2015-11-10

up. Good advice needed

Valery Abakumov, 2015-11-10

Good afternoon!
On the first question, I would prefer using, because you can accidentally forget to explicitly call Dispose. And using, as you know, will call it itself.
But on the second question - I'm afraid I can not suggest the only correct solution. I myself somehow encountered such a problem, and thought for a long time how to solve it. Especially when using IoC containers. On one of the projects of the company where I am currently working, the following approach is used: a singleton is created, in which interfaces are listed as properties, for example:

public sealed class Endpoint
        // Закрытый конструктор
        private Endpoint()
        // Реализация синглтона
        public static Endpoint Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    lock (InstanceLocker)
                        if (_instance == null)
                            _instance = new Endpoint();

                return _instance;
        public IMyService MyService { get; private set; }
        public ISomeService SomeService { get; private set; }

And then this kind of common "access point" is used like this:
Because is a singleton, calling Endpoint.Instance will always create a single implementation along with all the necessary services.
Of the benefits - access from anywhere (within reason, of course) to any service.

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