Michael2017-09-08 11:59:28
Michael, 2017-09-08 11:59:28

Projection control from the monitor?

There is a computer, a touch screen (connected to it) and a projector.
It is planned to display a projection on the wall, and control this projection from the touch screen.
That is: relatively speaking, the menu button on the monitor, when you press the first button on the projector, one content is displayed, when you press the second button, another, etc.
Please tell me in which direction to look, what are the solutions, software? And is it possible to somehow organize this with improvised means?
Thanks for any help.

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3 answer(s)
WayMax, 2017-09-08


nikitaleon, 2017-10-04

Look on YouTube, there are a lot of instructions on how to control the projection from the monitor.

Wyakab, 2017-10-11

Yes, the easiest way is to buy a normal projector

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