floppa3222020-05-20 21:33:56
Software design
floppa322, 2020-05-20 21:33:56

Project architecture on Unity / Unreal Engine?


Good afternoon. I would like to consult: is this project architecture suitable for a multiplayer game?
Let me explain how it works:
1. Threads exchange messages using a Message System based on multi-threaded queues
2. Thread #2 reads the messages sent to it by thread #1 in an endless loop and sends them to the server, for example, player inputs.
3. Thread #3 listens on a certain port to the server and sends messages to thread #1 (for example, packets for changing the state of the game world)
4. Thread #1:
1) Collects messages sent to it from a thread that receives packets over the network (#3)
2) Simulates the world
3) Collects player inputs and sends them to thread #2

If possible, I would not refuse github links to any open repositories of Unity / UE projects.

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