MaxSemenov2021-04-20 10:47:44
MaxSemenov, 2021-04-20 10:47:44

Product options (colors mainly) as a separate product, how to make a database architecture on Laravel?

How to make the correct database architecture to organize the colors of the product as a separate product and make the filter work? Example: wedoweb.com.au/demo8/index.php?route=product/produ...

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1 answer(s)
Denis, 2021-04-20

organize item colors as a separate item

it's generally just like two pennies, one table product
1|Sofa red|20.02|3
2|Sofa green|25.04|1
If you want, you can add another json field with product characteristics.
well, the filter here is elementary by max and min - the price and by the name of the product.
it's another matter if you need to implement product attributes,
start google from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity%E2%80%93attri...
but there it will be difficult with the filter, how much you get confused

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