iBkm2016-11-12 15:21:22
iBkm, 2016-11-12 15:21:22

Process the emoji icon from Telegram?

I noticed that an icon can come from telegrams to text, not even a code, how can this be processed? a1b962b249fe4facada525ad28bbabf7.jpgupd
If it was a Unicode character, then in the source code it should be displayed as a picture?
I'm just recording messages from a chat with a bot, an empty value was written to the database

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1 answer(s)
Nikolai Romanovich, 2016-11-12

It's just a regular Unicode character. If the appropriate fonts are available, it displays itself. And if you want to process them manually - go here www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1F600.pdf

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