Roman Romanovich2015-09-22 16:56:00
Roman Romanovich, 2015-09-22 16:56:00

Price change based on woocommerce product size selection?

Good afternoon!
I am interested in such a question, in the product card there is a switch for choosing the size of the product. The product is added as a variable, with 3 size values ​​\u200b\u200band each has its own price, when adding a different price, it is displayed in the product card like this
, so that the price changes. and its values ​​from the minimum to the maximum price were not displayed.

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1 answer(s)
Creel, 2015-09-23

Using jQuery - we change the value in the tag after the page is loaded (or in the price.php file we display the minimum value immediately) and change it when clicked

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