Mikhail Lebedev2020-04-11 20:36:22
Information Security
Mikhail Lebedev, 2020-04-11 20:36:22

Prevent caching js in html?

there is a link to js:
src=" https://fuck/total_timeline.js "

which specifies cache-control: public, max-age=16070400 but

I need it to be updated once a day,

how can I organize it?
maybe you can
total_timeline.js?randomNumb in the line
using js with each reload?

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5 answer(s)
FanatPHP, 2019-10-17

If you're asking, then no way. This is not bullshit or trolling. It is a fact.
A pen tester is an explorer. Which is able to extract useful information even from a very limited set of data using a very limited toolkit. Just logic and the ability to work with available information.
The sea of ​​information is available to you - the entire Internet. But you sit and wait for someone to put it in your mouth from a spoon. So you can only become a script kiddy - a boy who can run two ready-made programs, but does not know what to do with the information they give out, and - most importantly - what to do when the finished programs pass. But if you are suddenly lucky, and the program wrote about some found vulnerability, you can start showing off to your classmates. Most likely, this is exactly what you need, and you're just confusing concepts.

Ronald McDonald, 2019-10-16

any resources where you can start learning for a beginner.

This is the answer.

Andrew, 2019-10-17

You just start doing at least something, and do not look for excuses, they say infa is outdated.

CityCat4, 2019-10-17

Install Kali :D

Egor Aristov, 2020-04-11

может можно в строке
средствами js при каждой перезагрузке?

Yes, this is exactly what is done in most sites
. You can even do it easier if you need it once a day - add the current date after the question .
For example
let url = " https://fuck/total_timeline.js? " + parseInt(Date.now() / (1000 * 3600 * 24));

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