Roman2020-11-03 16:33:06
Roman, 2020-11-03 16:33:06

Premium TeamViewer, how many concurrent connections?

I bought a premium acc Multi User, distributed it to my employees. I am on the connection and at the same time another employee is trying to access another server, to which the TV gives an error, saying that the number of connections is limited.

But "Includes 15 licensed users, allowing 1 user to open 1 remote session at a time" which basically means that each user can open 1 connection. Who is using it? Or do I need to write to support?

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2 answer(s)
Kelv13, 2020-11-03

On the website teamviewer.com - in the upper left corner of the Moscow phone number - call, there adequate people will advise you, but the support left a sad impression ...

SquareWheel, 2020-11-03

What does it mean
that the total number of sessions for your aka is 15

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