kybq2015-03-25 08:29:32
kybq, 2015-03-25 08:29:32

Practicing Java - what to do?

I've never programmed before, I'm a little familiar with html/css.
Initially I wanted the web, after reading all sorts of forums about prospects, etc., I still chose java.
I started learning Java, a little less than a week, I read part of the book, video tutorials, got a small base, constantly practiced along with tutorial's
But the question is that I don’t understand how to apply my knowledge? what tasks to solve? So I'm learning, I'm learning, but I don't see the application of my acquired knowledge, that is, to teach for the sake of teaching?
Is it boring to write some calculations, and display 10 lines of different inscriptions and display minima and the like
, or do I just have little knowledge?
It’s clear with android applications, but I’m only learning java SE
I want to do something for users, good and interesting things that will make their life easier or help in general.
In the case of the web, I like the fact that I immediately see the result of my work.
You learn and immediately do - there are ideas of what can be done.
(website, shop, service, blog, etc.)
But with Java, a stupor

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9 answer(s)
alk, 2015-03-25

When I started learning Java, the same problem also arose, like I know the language, but I don’t know where to stick it, because of this I even wanted to switch to another language.
If you want to do something that you can "touch", then try to deal with SpringMVC or Vaadin and make a small site, the server part of which is in Java.
But I would still advise you to deal with the AndroidSDK and file a simple application, it will take less time, and the result is no less pleasant)

Nikolai R, 2015-03-27

I have the same problem. Since January, I began to study, I read a book on the basics from the site of intuition, I watch video tutorials, videos on YouTube are immeasurable. I found a couple of videos where guys talk about the requirements for a junior developer, wrote out the necessary technologies and frameworks, literally today I tried to structure them a bit (ideally, of course, I would get a graphical analytical view): https://docs.google.com/document /d/1HqFlER8dQa22bq.... The problem is that according to modern technologies there is little practice and analytical theory (what tasks are better to use for what tasks), and it is difficult to master English so effectively. The main thing is to achieve an understanding of current programs at the present time. People write correctly, android is in trend, but in order to fully master the language and write well, you need to master other things (cloud technologies, virtualization, etc.), because. they are also relevant and require more knowledge (which allows you to comprehensively develop yourself as a developer).

Alexey Grigoriev, 2015-03-26

I'm the same as you, I don't know where to turn...
Drop a line at [email protected], I have an idea.
And you can also try it on open source jtalks.org.

bromzh, 2015-03-27

Well now java is used in 3 big areas: android, desktop and web.
And IMHO with java it's better not to start writing for the web. There are a lot of technologies, everywhere there are chips and subtleties.
You will start writing on the JavaEE stack, you will (most likely) figure out for a long time which server is better to use, what API implementations are, how to connect and use them, you will be perplexed why suddenly NullPointerException, then you will see that this is due to the fact that all sorts of EJB dependencies were not implemented, transactions were rolled back, LazyLoad does not work in models, and the id fields in them do not want to be generated themselves.
In spring, everything is simpler to start with, but a bunch of xml and 10-tier annotations are not always encouraging. The non-compliance with the standards is somewhat depressing. Although this is understandable, first everything is invented in the spring, and then the best goes to the standard. But sometimes there is a feeling that this piece of code was clearly done hastily. And the general defragmentation of the project is also clearly not a plus.
Play 2 takes sooooo long to assemble, and it's more for rock than for Java.
There are all sorts of microframeworks, such as Spark.
Standing apart, probably, is vert.x with support for a bunch of languages, non-blocking IO, a ready-to-use global Event Bus and other goodies.
In addition, there are still a huge number of all kinds of frameworks and libraries that work on top / instead of some part in the above projects. They may be incompatible with each other, or be independent. So you can assemble a framework for yourself from spare parts.
There are also frameworks for JVM languages ​​such as Lift, Play 2, Spray for Scala, Grails for Groovy, etc.
Under android, there is less of such a spread in technologies, it may be easier to start with it.
And desktop applications in Java are usually all sorts of huge IDEs and minecraft. It is difficult to write all this alone, and there is less demand here.
So ask yourself if you need Java, and if so, why? Still, you must first decide on the direction, and then choose the right tool.

Nikita, 2015-03-25

To find a job.
Find interesting open source.
Google ideas for business and implement some.
Try to just copy some business for training. For example, toaster :)

Pavel Chaplygin, 2015-03-25

Are you sure you are not confusing Java and Javascript?
If you still mean Javascript, then I would advise you to write, for example, a slider or a sticky menu in pure js, without third-party libraries, for your "(website, store, service, blog, etc.)" - this will allow you to understand how and why javascript is used.

apolonxviii, 2017-01-25

If your access is not blocked, look at the development path of a Java developer in a series of these articles https://dou.ua/users/staslozenko/articles/
Highly recommended.
To understand what and how to practice, you can try to practice at these meetings on Java practice , there is an opportunity to participate remotely. Now they are taking a regular form.
A more structured and deep format is done in Java team learning

lokesh, 2020-02-24

I remember, during our OS viva once I told sir that "because this is not possible In language like Java ..." and in the end he told me . "Dear , nothing is impossible in C" .
So you can create any program in Java that computer can execute . One example I like to give you
I was living with 8 people in my BE at that Time there was a lot of money transaction among us . So it was difficult to figure out who should give money to whom and how much. To solve this problem I had made a Java program that made all the transaction through a virtual centralized bank (we used to call it CK). And give you optimum results. Although we converted this application into excel after some time . But you can create such one.
More real life problems are difficult , they need database , networking . So in short you need vast amount of knowledge in Java .
just look around you. Any difficulties you may find can be converted to a java Program.
Just concentrate on how you can solve them.
They Java training in chennai shape me into learing the advance concepts with real time factors make learning java more purposeful.

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