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PowerShell: backup 1C. Is everything okay?
Good day. You need to make a backup of the 1C database. For this, I decided to use PowerShell, because. the thing, as they say, is good, and since there is no experience in this, I studied all this in parallel with writing. As a result, after a couple of days of torment, something came out. But it came out painfully bulky ...
As a result, the essence of the question is: is everything normal here? Can it be simplified? Will it let you down if something happens?
#Глобальные переменные
[string]$Global:Disk = "E:" #Диск для бэкапа
[int]$Global:minSpace = 2 #минимальный объем свободного места на диске, в зависимости от того, сколько занимает места бэкап, в Гб
[string]$Global:folderName = "1Cbackup" #имя папки, куда будет литься бэкап, в ней же будут чиститься предыдущие бэкапы.
[string]$Global:logName = "" #Объявление переменной имени лога
[string]$Global:logOutput = "" #логирование в эту строку
$Global:maxTime = 2700 #Максимальное время ожидания окончания процесса 1С, в секундах
#Команды и параметры запуска к ним
[string]$Global:backupApp = "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe"
[string]$Global:param01 = 'ENTERPRISE /F"C:\База1С" /N"Имя" /P"Пароль" /CЗавершитьРаботуПользователей'
[string]$Global:param02 = 'DESIGNER /F"C:\База1С" /N"Имя" /P"Пароль" /DumpIBname_dt /UC"КодРазрешения"'
[string]$Global:param03 = 'ENTERPRISE /F"C:\База1С" /N"Имя" /P"Пароль" /CРазрешитьРаботуПользователей /UC"КодРазрешения"'
function getTime
[string]$curTime = Get-Date -Format u
$curTime = $curTime.TrimEnd("Z")
return $curTime
function writeLog([string]$inputStr)
#пишем в Global потому-что иначе писать будет в переменную ВНУТРИ ф-ии
$Global:logOutput += getTime
$Global:logOutput += "`t$inputStr`r`n"
$Global:logOutput | Out-File $logName
Write-Host "$inputStr`r`n"
function isFreeSpace
$get_disk_info = Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ?{$_.deviceid -eq $Disk}
[int]$freeSp = [math]::Truncate($get_disk_info.FreeSpace/1gb)
if ($freeSp -gt $minSpace) { return $true }
elseif ($freeSp -le $minSpace) { return $false }
writeLog "Возникла непредвиденная ошибка в ф-ии isFreeSpace:`r`n`t`t`tget_disk_info=$get_disk_info`r`n`t`t`tfreeSp=$freeSp`r`n`t`t`t`minSpace=$minSpace"
function procStart ($prog, $param)
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = $prog
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = $param
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
writeLog "Имя запускаемого файла: $prog"
#writeLog "Строка параметров: $param" #отключено, чтобы не "палить" учетные данные в логе
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host $stdout
Write-Host $stderr
[boolean]$isRunning = $True
[int]$tickTime = 0
while ($isRunning)
if (get-process 1cv8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$isRunning = $True
Start-Sleep -s 10
$tickTime += 10
if ($tickTime -ge $Global:maxTime)
writeLog "Время ожидания окончания истекло"
Stop-Process -processname 1cv8
else { $isRunning = $False }
writeLog "Выполнение завершено с кодом: $exitCode`r`n"
#Блок архивирования.
function justDoIt
$fullPath = $Disk + "\" + $folderName
#Проверка/очистка свободного места
[boolean]$isFreeSpaceVal = isFreeSpace
$isRemoved = $True
while (-not $isFreeSpaceVal -and $isRemoved)
$oldChild = Get-ChildItem $fullPath | Sort-Object -property CreationTime | select-object -first 1 | SELECT Name
[string]$pathToRemove = $fullPath + "\" + $oldChild.Name
writeLog "Удаляется папка $pathToRemove"
Remove-Item $pathToRemove -Recurse
$isRemoved = test-path $pathToRemove #Проверяем, было ли произведено удаление
$isFreeSpaceVal = isFreeSpace
if (-not $isRemoved) {
writeLog "Не удалось осободить место"
exit }
$fileOutName = getTime
$fileOutName = $fileOutName.Replace(":","-")
$fileOutName = $fileOutName.Replace(" ","_")
$fileOutName += ".dt"
$tmp = $Disk + "\" + $folderName + "\"
$fileOutName = $fileOutName.Insert(0, $tmp)
writeLog "Название создаваемого архива: $fileOutName`r`n"
$Global:param02=$Global:param02.Replace("name_dt",$fileOutName) #меняем название бэкапа на текущую дату и время
procStart $Global:backupApp $Global:param01
procStart $Global:backupApp $Global:param02
procStart $Global:backupApp $Global:param03
#Создание имени лог-файла
[string]$tmp = Get-Location
$tmp += "\"
$logName = getTime
$logName = $logName.Replace(":","-")
$logName = $logName.Replace(" ","_")
$logName += ".log"
$logName = $logName.Insert(0, $tmp)
#Немного информации в лог
writeLog "Начало работы скрипта`r`n"
writeLog "Disk = $Disk"
writeLog "minSpace = $minSpace"
writeLog "folderName = $folderName"
writeLog "Лог-файл = $logName`r`n"
[boolean]$findApp = Test-Path $backupApp
if (-not $findApp)
writeLog "Приложение на найдено: $backupApp"
[boolean]$findDrive=test-path $Disk
if (-not $findDrive)
writeLog "Скрипт остановлен: отсутствует диск $Disk"
#проверяем свободное место, если его нет, чистим старые бэкапы
[boolean]$isFreeSpaceVal = isFreeSpace
[boolean]$isRemoved = $True
$fullPath = $Disk + "\" + $folderName
#Проверяем/создаем папку для бэкапа
writeLog "Проверяем, есть ли папка $folderName"
[boolean]$findFolder = Test-Path $fullPath
if (-not $findFolder)
writeLog "Папка не найдена. Создание..."
mkdir $fullPath
$findFolder = Test-Path $fullPath
if (-not $findFolder)
writeLog "Папка не была создана. Скрипт остановлен."
elseif ($findFolder)
writeLog "Папка $fullPath присутствует."
writeLog "Выполнение команды резервного копирования."
writeLog "Случилось что-то непредвиденное на этапе проверки папки для архивирования. Скрипт остановлен"
elseif ($findFolder)
writeLog "Папка $fullPath присутствует."
writeLog "Выполнение команды резервного копирования."
writeLog "Случилось что-то непредвиденное на этапе проверки папки для архивирования. Скрипт остановлен"
writeLog "Скрипт достиг конца."
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Firstly, sheets of logs and tons of code are not posted in the question, but placed under the cut or on the appropriate resources.
Lucky for everyone that your script is not 1000 pages long.
Secondly, it is not clear what this script has to do with backup .
At a cursory review of the script, I did not find the place where the backup is actually done.
I recommend that you turn to ready-made software products that perform this function
, an article on the topic
from personal experience, I store the last 3 + for the first day of the month (stored somewhere around 1.5 years) + special archives made before the update, spring global changes.
Veeam agent for windows. The free version in my opinion is more than suitable for you.
I use it myself at home and at work and recommend it to everyone. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, I think, in such a hackneyed question.
And in terms of scripting, yes, the script is written quite beautifully, there are a lot of comments. But, as the colleague already noted above, there is no code that actually copies the databases (well, or unloads .dt).
Some kind of hemorrhoid, to be honest.
Cobian Backup I use for file DB. Free, feature rich, shadow copy, runs as a service. If you want to throw out users, then at the beginning of copying, you can cram the script in the same place. I have been using it for 10 years and it works like clockwork and I had to restore the database from copies more than once - everything is buzzing.
PS Honestly, I went to this thread to understand where Power Shell is used :) Obviously, you learned how to use it well, but why you didn’t understand.
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