son_of_sun2010-12-07 22:42:53
son_of_sun, 2010-12-07 22:42:53

Posting google docs diagrams

Google recently updated the charts in google docs. Now the chart has become more interactive and is not just a picture, and a new view code is given for publishing outside documents:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/static/modules/gviz/1.0/chart.js"> {"chartType":"AreaChart","dataSourceUrl":"//spreadsheets.google.com/tq?key=0Ag3ElM39fEO6dDZIeVpwTU1McHBXQ3hOVVY4U28tQ1E&range=A15%3AQ16&gid=0&transpose=1&headers=1&pub=1","options":{"reverseCategories":false,"pointSize":0,"minValue":0,"is3D":false,"logScale":false,"lineSize":2,"wmode":"opaque","title":"\u0411\u0435\u0433 \u043a\u043c.","pointSizeOther":0,"maxValue":50,"isStacked":false,"mapType":"hybrid","displayAnnotations":true,"showTip":true,"min":0,"titleY":"","dataMode":"markers","titleX":"","maxAlternation":1,"max":50,"colors":["#3366CC","#DC3912","#FF9900","#109618","#990099","#0099C6","#DD4477","#66AA00","#B82E2E","#316395"],"smoothLine":false,"lineWidth":"2","labelPosition":"right","hasLabelsColumn":true,"legend":"none","allowCollapse":true,"reverseAxis":false,"width":694,"height":329},"packages":"corechart","refreshInterval":5} </script>

But I had a problem, not one of the diagrams is published when this code is inserted into a web page, what could be the problem? Plus, I was more satisfied with publishing the diagram as a picture, because the new code can not be published everywhere I need. But as I understand it, the old diagrams can no longer be returned. No one has any thoughts on this?

In general: Why is the new kind of diagrams not published? And is it possible to publish a picture as before?

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1 answer(s)
rasa, 2010-12-08

The solution is very simple:
in the line src="//ajax.googleapis.com,
correct it to


(or http in very rare cases)
and in "dataSourceUrl": "//spreadsheets.google.com correct to

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