larik laravue2021-08-07 19:29:47
larik laravue, 2021-08-07 19:29:47

PostGre or Mysql8 for Laravel what to migrate from Mysql5.7?

Interested in the experience of switching to more modern versions of the DBMS. Where there are more problems and where there is more profit when switching to Laravel.

With the help of the docker, we deployed both and found out that the performance increased significantly. But how to choose between two horses - Mysql8 or PostGre?

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2 answer(s)
galaxy, 2021-08-07

What you know better, then choose, IMHO.
And you know, apparently, mysql.

Я - фанат Postgres вообще

Sanes, 2021-08-08

Stay at 5.7 and don't fool around. It works!

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