shamyyl2015-07-14 11:05:32
shamyyl, 2015-07-14 11:05:32

Postgis vs Sphinx. What is better to use for searching by coordinates?

There is a table of addresses on 16 million records. Taken from FIAS. In one table there are cities, streets and houses. I ran through all the records with the Yandex geocoder, put down the coordinates.
And the actual question. What is the best way to search for objects now, knowing their coordinates? Postgis or Sphinx?
Now the geo table is in Sphinxe, the search is carried out through GeoDIST , however, the question of data relevance arises, since updating the entire index takes more than 4 hours, and delta indexing and subsequent merge take about 10 minutes.

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1 answer(s)
Jim_Di, 2015-07-23

postgis is quite fast and does its job well.
And how will the search be performed? look for a point in some bbox or knowing the exact coordinates?

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