Silbers2010-12-28 22:33:33
Silbers, 2010-12-28 22:33:33

php update on fedora core 4?

Good evening, there is a problem of the following plan:
VPS running Fedora Core 4, php 5.0.4 is installed. You need to update php to 5.2+.
Initially, even yum was not installed on the VPS. The version that was installed is 2.0.7.
I found several repositories with php 5.2.9, but yum, firstly, does not know --enablerepo (I bypassed this), and secondly, after connecting the repositories directly, I began to look for headers/headers.info on them relative to the given path. There are no such files there, he swears at the absence and refuses to update.
yum config:
name=Les RPM de remi pour Fedora $releasever - $basearch
baseurl= rpms.famillecollet.com/fedora/$releasever/remi/$ba...
gpgkey= rpms.famillecollet.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
yum update gives:
Error getting file rpms.famillecollet.com /fedora/4/remi/i386/headers/...
And so with any repository.
Tell me, please, in which direction to look. I've been googling for a few hours now and haven't found anything related to my problem.

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2 answer(s)
DevMan, 2010-12-29

Maybe it's worth updating the system first? FC4 has not been supported for a long time, hence there may be troubles with repositories.
In extreme cases, you can assemble it with your hands - it is undesirable, of course, but nothing particularly complicated either.

ultral, 2010-12-29

I doubt that there is a ready-made binary for FC4. Collect yourself only or upgrade the system.

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