Benelli2012-10-21 01:47:21
Benelli, 2012-10-21 01:47:21

Phone choice - Samsung Galaxy S3 or Samsung Galaxy Nexus

At the moment I'm using HTC Sensation on the fourth android with Sense 3.5

Recently, the phone's brakes have become very annoying. It is clear that you can install the firmware without a sense, but I thought about changing the phone - a larger screen would also come in handy.

I like how HTC phones are assembled, and I would love to buy HTC One X, but there are a few things that disappoint me - the sensor cannot be removed in any way, the eternal problems with fast battery discharge, the lack of MicroSD and SLCD - somehow SuperAMOLED is still looks nicer.

I was in the store, turned different models in my hands. Liked the Samsung Galaxy Siii and Samsung Galaxy Nexus. The former is supported by fresher and more powerful hardware, a larger screen and a more capacious battery. In favor of Nexus - a native android without a shell (after the sensation, I don't like shells), the presence of 4.1 and a more solid (ie less plastic) case - it feels closer to HTC in the hand.

So I'm wondering what to choose?

And a couple of questions:
- Do I understand correctly that firmware 4.1 is being rolled out for the Galaxy Siii now? Does it work well?
- Is it possible to demolish the Samsung shell in Galaxy Siii?
— Are there other comparable models that are worth paying attention to?

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12 answer(s)
Lonkly, 2012-10-21

Nexus. Only pure android, only hardcore. No smelly senses shmensov and other nyashny add-ons.

platerx, 2012-10-21

Perhaps we should wait for the new Nexus, which will be released this fall.

YgReEk, 2012-10-21

I would still recommend note 2. Reviews and reviews are currently enthusiastic, they say you get used to the size quickly. Now you can already buy in the Russian Federation for 24 k. From amazone and / or ebay - 22 k. The review was on Habré.

The Whiz, 2012-10-21

Wait for a new nex, definitely

larikov, 2012-10-21

I have SGS III in use and recently Note II appeared, I also thought that it was too big, but now S III seems small to me :) The screen in Note II is better than SGS III, 2 GB of RAM also make themselves felt, it works noticeably faster than the Galaxy, as well as the S Pen, I thought it would not be useful to me, but after trying it, it turned out to be a very useful thing - it recognizes handwritten text with virtually no errors. Battery life is about 2 days
The HTC One X, by the way, has one of the best screens on the market in terms of quality, but yes, the battery is rather weak. The day does not last.

akira, 2012-10-21

Nexus: 12 thousand for the most updated phone, 1280x720 screen, vanilla android, not a very thick battery, although I have almost 2 days in a sparing mode (an hour or two of the Internet).
S3: This is a flagship, one of the most powerful Android phones, but one drawback is the fact that after 1 year you can forget about updates, CM10 and other TouchWiz-free skins will not support video hardware acceleration and potential camera problems.
My advice, for the price of S3 or Note2, is to buy Nexus and Nexux7. And enjoy.

ArtKun, 2012-10-21

After the first communication with Android, I swore off buying anything if it is not officially updated by Google. I advise you the same.
In addition, Samsung (like HTC, by the way) has so many krapvari in official firmware that you want to take this phone and throw it somewhere, but quickly.

DiverUA, 2012-10-21

1) Firmware is. It seems to be working well.
2) Demolish, theoretically, you can (but you need a root). You can also sew an alternative request, without tachwiz. The second option is better - less likely to mess up (demolish something critical). You can not demolish, just put an alternative launcher / dialer / mms-sms - and the tachwiz will not be evident.
3) There are quite a few models, for example, Note 2 or something new on the Snapdragon S4 - the choice is still up to you, since the set of preferences / tastes is strictly individual.
Personally, I like the S3 - the battery lasts a long time, it's powerful. Design for an amateur - there's nothing you can do about it ...

niosus, 2012-10-21

Judging by the fact that you also have a Nexus in your criteria, which is now far from top-end, I would advise you to take a close look towards HTC One S. Just recently, a girl bought one for herself and of course I played enough. This is a high-quality thing with a non-top processor, 1 GB of RAM, with an aluminum case and for moderate money.
Sens personally annoys me, but xda helps for this. Yes, and off 4.1 comes out every day. But no, you can always spend one day and put it in custom. I recently installed Jelly Bean on the first Samsung Galaxy S and it works smartly and beautifully.

Benelli, 2012-10-21

And also, I understand correctly that for Siii it makes little sense to overpay for a model with 32 GB of memory on board, since there is a microSD slot?

calg0n, 2012-10-22

I struggled with the choice myself. In the end, I chose Nexus.
1. Orthodox Android without unnecessary garbage. Updates from Google => ahead of all android phones, the most juice.
2. Balanced iron.
There is one minus:
1. Weak battery.
Although I would wait for a new Nexus if I were you.

Pavel, 2018-10-15

Batteries confuse me too. And so it's normal.

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