Alex P.2017-02-18 01:54:24
Alex P., 2017-02-18 01:54:24

Philosophical question about discount coupons?

Task: it is
necessary to write a generator of promotional coupons of approximately the following form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (plus\minus\approximately). It is necessary to generate them over dofiga (100k +)..
1. which python libraries to pay attention to ???..
2. and how to choose the right library ??..
3. where can I look at an example of such a project ?? ...

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8 answer(s)
Nwton, 2017-02-18

What kind of developers went to solve the problem in 2 lines, they need some libraries: https://jsfiddle.net/rLr7kc4z/1/

x67, 2017-02-18

Just randomly generate coupons. Of course, ideally, you need a check for similarity, but sorting through 100k is not very convenient. To optimize this task, when generating one coupon, you need to enter some kind of indicator, for example, the sum of all ord() from each sign. Then it will not be necessary to check every coupon, but only those that have the same amount. This will speed up the check. Well, for the generation itself, you just need a uniform random. If you know how to write code, there will be no problems with either generation or verification. If you don't know how, study or order. Moreover, you can order the implementation even in low-level languages)

Andrey Burov, 2017-02-18

use UUID

Vladimir Kuts, 2017-02-18

where can i find an example of such a project?

project? Here is a one line solution
import random, string
'-'.join((''.join([random.choice(string.uppercase + string.digits) \
    for x in range(4)]) for y in range(4)))

>> '58F4-U8R4-4DTV-5JMP'

xmoonlight, 2017-02-18

what python libraries to pay attention to ???.
OMG! It is written without any hands in several lines!

Alexander, 2017-02-18

I would generate the first 6 digits sequentially (10 ^ 6 combinations), and the remaining 10 would be pure random. Then nothing is guaranteed to match.
If you need verifiability without a database, then the last 10 digits - some hash from the first six with a salt.

total = 10

import random

for n in range(total):
    rest = random.randint(0,10**10-1)
    code = "{n:06}{rest:010}".format(n=n, rest=rest)
    formatted = code[0:4] + "-" + code[4:8] + "-" + code[8:12] + "-" + code[12:]


import hashlib

SALT = "some_salt"

def generate(n):
    _bytes = (str(n) + SALT).encode("ascii")
    _hash = hashlib.md5(_bytes).hexdigest()
    rest = int(_hash, base=16) % (10**10)
    code = "{n:06}{rest:010}".format(n=n, rest=rest)
    formatted = code[0:4] + "-" + code[4:8] + "-" + code[8:12] + "-" + code[12:]
    return formatted

def test(code):
    raw_code = code.replace("-","")
    n = int(raw_code[0:6])
    return code == generate(n)
for n in range(total):
    code = generate(n)
    print(code, test(code))

Here you can run: ideone.com/2I704P

Alex P., 2017-02-18

ATP to everyone who responded for the recommendations ..
here .. already scribbled a couple of lines ..))

import random
import string

length = 16  # кол-во символов в купоне
quantity = 100000  # кол-во купонов
chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits  # набор символов для купонов

def mask(c, length): # маски для купонов
    if length == 16:
        c = c[0:4] + '-' + c[4:8] + '-' + c[8:12] + '-' + c[12:16]  # маска на 16 символов
    elif length == 12:
    elif length == 9:
    return c

def coupon(length):  # ф-я генерации одного купона заданной длинны.
    l = []
    c = str
    for i in range(0, length):
        c = ''.join(l)
    c = mask(c, length)
    return c

def generator(quantity):  # а теперь генерим их сколько надо
    a_file = open('data.txt', 'w')

    for i in range(0, quantity):
        a = coupon(length)
        line = (a + '\n')
        # print(a)



this is not the final version .. I will still finish it ..

AVS85 S, 2018-07-27

If the goal is to get 100k promics, why not use an online generator?
for example, with this pswrd.getcode.xyz
Another thing is if you want it in python ... well, you have already been told this))

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