NanoDragon2010-11-08 22:18:20
NanoDragon, 2010-11-08 22:18:20

Personal blogs

What kind of personal blogs are these, I read Habr and periodically see references to personal blogs.
But when I click publish, I don’t have a personal blog in the list ;(
Am I so lucky or are they gone now?

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2 answer(s)
Oleg Matrozov, 2010-11-08

In choosing where to post: “Offtopic Lair” -> “Personal Blogs”

Teivaz, 2010-11-08

To be able to post to “personal blogs”, click on the plus sign here habrahabr.ru/blogs/personal/ and this item will appear in the drop-down list when writing a post.
The fact is that once on Habré it was possible to create personal blogs, but then UFOs figured out that from further growth ... in short, here is habrahabr.ru/add/blog/ Now you can only write to existing blogs, which are quite enough.

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