artem782014-10-13 01:01:43
artem78, 2014-10-13 01:01:43

Perl + Win32::GUI - How to override default event handler behavior?

I am using the Win32::GUI library. I want to make a filter for the TextField - if the user enters something incorrectly, ignore the character input. I tried return -1 - the program closes, it does not react to other return values. In fact, we need an analogue of preventdefault from javascript.

use Win32::GUI();

$w = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
  -size => [300, 200],

  -name => 'tf',
  -pos => [10, 10],
  -size => [100, 20]

sub tf_Update {
  if ($w->tf->Text() !~ m/^([0-9]{0,8}(?:[\.,][0-9]{0,2})?)$/) {
    # preventdefault
    # игнорируем ввод



sub w_Terminate {
    return -1;

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2 answer(s)
gangabass, 2014-10-23

sub tf_Update {

    if ( $w->tf->Text() !~ m/^([0-9]{0,8}(?:[\.,][0-9]{0,2})?)$/ ) {


This code clears the field completely . If you need to delete only the last entered character, then you can cut it off from the current value of the field...

UraBogort, 2015-11-11

use Win32::GUI();

$w = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
  -size => [300, 200],

  -name => 'tf',
  -pos => [10, 10],
  -size => [100, 20],
  -text => '',



sub w_Terminate {
    return -1;
sub tf_Update {

  my $buf = $w->tf->Text();
  $buf=~s/(\s|\d)//;                        #фильтруем цифры буквы
  $w->tf->SetSel( $buf=length($buf), $buf); #как установить курсор а конец красивее? Я незнаю!
  return 1;
#или так
sub tf_Update {

    my @gs  = $w->tf->GetSel();
    my $buf = $w->tf->Text();
    if ( $buf =~ s/(\s|\d)// ) {
        if ( $gs[0] > 0 ) {
            $w->tf->SetSel( $gs[0] - 1, $gs[0] - 1 );

    return 1;

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