winser2014-03-15 05:29:17
winser, 2014-03-15 05:29:17

Payment notification in qiwi - how to monitor?

There is an ordinary qiwi wallet
. Can I do something so that when money comes in, I can monitor it with my program?
That is, my program will wait for a message from a qiwi wallet, and if money arrives, qiwi sends a message to my program?
I read that there seems to be some kind of API, but it seems to be for wallets registered with stores, but if it’s a regular wallet, is there any way out?

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2 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2014-03-15

Let him monitor sms or emails, like they always come when money falls.

winser, 2014-03-15

sms do not fit
And does something come to the email?
In the settings they write that it is for password recovery
. I would like to somehow go to the prog on the acc and check if there are new translations or not.

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