nikita_dontsov2020-07-03 19:34:56
nikita_dontsov, 2020-07-03 19:34:56

Page freezes when scrolling (website on Elementor). How to solve this problem?

Hello everyone!)

For the first time I decided to develop a corporate website on the Elementor page builder
(the ability to edit absolutely all content without difficulty is very important for the customer).

Faced such a problem:
When scrolling on the main page, there is no smoothness, the site freezes a little and freezes (as if fps sags)),
and the page loads quite quickly.
On the other pages, no hanging was noticed.

I use this constructor for the first time, so it's hard to immediately figure out what it could be.
Maybe some of you have experienced a similar problem. I would be very grateful, thank you!)

link to the site:

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2 answer(s)
Dnebl, 2020-07-03

Issue with background-attachment: fixed on .elementor-background-overlay

.elementor-background-overlay {
    background-attachment: scroll !important;

Look at this https://medium.com/vehikl-news/fixed-background-im...

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