Godless2017-10-10 11:44:46
Godless, 2017-10-10 11:44:46

Owlcarousel. Responsive markup for images of different sizes. How?

Good day.
Actually a subject.
There is a site on Bitrix (whatever it is), the contractor under the contract did not perform the work very well and merged ...
There was a design in the style of "drank it yourself" throughout the site. Omitting the lyrics, the problem is: because the images are slightly different sizes and when resizing CFile::ResizeImageGet(), they turn out to be slightly different in height. Because of this, when scrolling through the carousel, a part of the site below uncomfortably twitches.
I purposely don't include existing markup here - you need to understand the principle and get it clean.
Why am I asking here. The network is full of mans how to enter, but adaptability is needed. How do the html5 & CSS3 gurus do it?
PS: In general, I can stupidly enter height into the existing markupcontainer? But for adaptability, you have to write a bunch of @media (min-width: blah blah) . This is fine?
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Godless, 2017-10-11

Fixed: container height and heap

@media (min/max-width: blah blah)

PS: it was a bootstrap carousel, not an owl. The code remained apparently from the tests and partly from the second carousel on the page.

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