Elena2018-02-08 19:41:17
Elena, 2018-02-08 19:41:17

Organization of a test environment and integration?

The task is to switch from QTP to SeleniumWeb Driver, for UAT testing and functional testing.
The language chosen is Python for writing tests, data for testing in Excel, JPEG ( business requirements for interface comparison and PDF.
How the development environment is used by PyCharm .
Question for experienced testers - share a Full-stack solution that will meet the requirements ( convenient test launch - since 90% are manual testers, integration for test documentation and business requirements, reporting - now it will presumably be reportportal.io and integration with Jenkins)

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1 answer(s)
kn0ckn0ck, 2018-02-09

As an experienced tester, I recommend this solution , its capabilities:
- creation of test documentation for manual testing (test plans for any type of testing)
- import of autotest reports
- tracing to requirements
- integration with Jenkins
- generation of various reports

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