Saintly2021-01-20 22:17:31
Saintly, 2021-01-20 22:17:31

Opencart OcStore what to choose?

Good afternoon.
Background. I installed magento 2.3.6 for an online store, I realized that there are a lot of paid ones and I can’t master it.
As a result, I chose Opencart, but it turns out there are many more versions and builds.
Some advise to install Opencart 2.3, there is also OcStore 2.3 improved original, then there is like Opencart or OcStore (according to this link, which was written by https://codeload.github.com/myopencart/ocStore/zip... ) something like this, which was finished by someone else on the github. All in all, I can't decide.

The most important thing is that you want the engine not to be clumsy, the last one put prestashop once, so the virus flew in and I don’t want it anymore.
From the site, for a start there will be about 1000 positions, it will be gradually added, but then it’s not a problem anymore, there will be money and I’ll switch to magenta 2, but first you also need something free, as they say, and more or less reliable.

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3 answer(s)
Andrey Ezhgurov, 2021-01-20

1000 positions for OpenCart - just right.
But OpenCart itself has long been the third version (the current version is So it makes no sense to install an outdated second version. And OcStore is far from being the best Russian build: they are very much delaying the release of new versions relative to the original OpenCart.
Just type in Google: opencart Russian.

Pavel, 2021-01-21

The current version, although the third one, has much fewer problems with the second one, and it has much more free and paid additional solutions.
I always put opencart.pro (2.3) on stores - free, unless the customer himself asks to put all the latest.
If the third branch - then the assembly from opencart-russia.ru - OCstore did not like the third version ....

Sergey Arsentiev, 2021-01-21

Opencart 3 or Ocstore 3 - there is no critical difference, all modules are installed, the functionality is almost the same, no security problems were noticed.
The 2x branch is outdated, it makes no sense to take it now for a new store.
Viruses on Opencart are extremely rare, I made more than 200 stores on it, starting from version 1.5 - no one broke anything, unlike WordPress, where you forget to update cms and can fly. Install the main modules from reliable sources.
About Opencart, the pros and cons for me personally wrote an article on the blog https://moytop.com/internet-magazin/dvizhok-vybira... , it will suddenly come in handy.

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