nikitakarpenko2018-06-22 16:43:33
nikitakarpenko, 2018-06-22 16:43:33

OOP Is child method called from parent class?

Is it possible to call a method in a parent class that is defined in a child class?
The first time I saw this ... maybe it seemed to me?
Usually the parent ones are called from the child.
Here is an example based on what I asked the question:
abstract class B extnds C {
function func_in_parent_class () {
class A extends B {
public function function_in_child_class () {

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Kim, 2018-06-22

This is not a call to a child class method from a parent class. This child class can override the parent method.

alek_tost, 2018-06-29

This pattern is called "Template method".

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