n4ela2016-07-23 13:22:13
n4ela, 2016-07-23 13:22:13

NoScript how to disable a specific script?

I am using selenium to parse one site.
The problem is that after 15 seconds you enter the site, selenium freezes, the findElemens method starts working forever.
If I block all the script, then everything works.
I would like to calculate which specific script breaks everything.

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1 answer(s)
Evgeniy _, 2016-07-25

Apparently java - toolsqa.com/selenium-webdriver/wait-commands - read it. This is so that findElements does not work forever for you. If selenium didn't find anything, take a screenshot and see if the elements appeared visually on the page. From this further and dance ... If anything - come back here)

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