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In order to leave comments, you need to log in
nginx+php-fpm+freebsd logs?
After a week of agony, I give up. :)
I need help setting up the nginx+php-fpm+freebsd bundle
More specifically, I have a problem with the error logs. They, stupidly, are not written.
the input is this.
freebsd 8.3-RELEASE
PHP 5.4.7 (fpm-fcgi)
nginx version: nginx/1.2.4
FPM config
pid = run/<br>
error_log = log/php-fpm.log<br>
log_level = notice<br>
emergency_restart_threshold = 5<br>
emergency_restart_interval = 2<br>
process_control_timeout = 2<br>
daemonize = yes<br>
events.mechanism = kqueue<br><br>
listen = /usr/local/www/host/tmp/php-fpm.sock;<br>
listen.backlog = -1<br>
listen.allowed_clients =<br>
listen.owner = puser<br> = puser<br>
listen.mode = 0666<br>
user = puser<br>
group = puser<br>
pm = dynamic<br>
pm.max_children = 30<br>
pm.start_servers = 2<br>
pm.min_spare_servers = 2<br>
pm.max_spare_servers = 5<br>
pm.max_requests = 50<br>
slowlog = /usr/local/www/host/logs/fpm.log.slow<br>
request_slowlog_timeout = 1s<br>
rlimit_files = 1024<br>
rlimit_core = 0<br>
chroot = /usr/local/www/host/<br>
catch_workers_output = yes<br>
env[TMP] = /tmp<br>
env[TMPDIR] = /tmp<br>
env[TEMP] = /tmp<br>
php_admin_value[upload_tmp_dir] = /tmp<br>
php_admin_value[cgi.fix_pathinfo] = 0<br>
php_admin_value[date.timezone]= 'Europe/Moscow'<br>
php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 320m<br>
php_admin_value[max_execution_time] = 180<br>
php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on<br>
php_admin_value[error_log] = /usr/local/www/host/logs/fpm-err.log (пробовал и по chroot ставить, и просто файл указывал. никаких признаков жизни)<br>
php_admin_value[error_reporting] = 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE'<br>
php_admin_value[display_errors] = off<br>
php_admin_flag[display_startup_errors] = off<br>
user www;<br>
worker_processes 2;<br>
worker_rlimit_nofile 80000;<br><br>
error_log /var/log/nginx_error.log notice;<br><br>
#pid logs/;<br><br>
events {<br>
worker_connections 2048;<br>
use kqueue;<br>
http {<br>
server_tokens off;<br>
client_max_body_size 4m;<br>
include mime.types;<br>
default_type application/octet-stream;<br>
charset utf-8;<br>
sendfile on;<br>
keepalive_timeout 65;<br>
tcp_nopush on;<br>
tcp_nodelay on;<br>
log_format IP .$remote_addr.;<br>
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $request $request_body '<br>
'"$status" $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '<br>
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';<br>
reset_timedout_connection on;<br>
server {<br>
listen 80;<br>
access_log /usr/local/www/host/logs/access.log main;<br>
error_log /usr/local/www/host/logs/error.log error;<br>
error_page 500 502 503 504 /errors/50x.html;<br>
error_page 404 /errors/404.html;<br>
root /usr/local/www/host/htdocs;<br>
index index.php index.html index.htm;<br><br>
location / {<br>
index index.html index.php;<br>
try_files $uri /index.php?$args;<br>
location ~ \.php$ {<br>
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;<br>
fastcgi_intercept_errors on;<br>
fastcgi_pass unix:/usr/local/www/host/tmp/php-fpm.sock;<br>
fastcgi_index index.php;<br>
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /htdocs$fastcgi_script_name;<br>
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;<br>
fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED /htdocs$fastcgi_script_name;<br>
include /usr/local/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;<br>
Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
In short, the solution turned out to be tearfully simple.
php_admin_value[error_reporting] = 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE' contains quotes, but there was a note in the documentation that it is correct to specify this parameter without quotes.
Accordingly, we change to
php_admin_value[error_reporting] = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
and get the long-awaited log.
I recommend to see which php.ini file is currently in use using
Then, in this php.ini file, put the desired value in the error_log parameter
what permissions are set on the /usr/local/www/host/logs/ folder?
It is necessary that nginx can write
there and, of course, create and set write permissions to the access.log and error.log files for the www user
Look in php.ini for at least the error_reporting and
log_errors directives
If you want to display errors in the browser use display_errors
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