Alexander Sobolev2020-04-24 15:24:44
Alexander Sobolev, 2020-04-24 15:24:44

Next tag doesn't work in wordpresscom. How to fix?

A familiar educator (you could not read further, but still ..) has a site on wordpress.com and the tag does not work for her further
does not work on the main page .. how to fix it?

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-04-25

What kind of response do you expect to hear when neither the site nor any code is provided?
I can answer in general terms:
1) Since this is wordpress.com, there is hardly any access to ftp, etc. And since some element of the page does not work in the installed theme, you should write to the theme developer and ask him to check it.
2) Another solution is to take the theme that is installed on it, raise the VP locally, install the theme and reproduce the problem on your own, and then figure out the problem. Exclude js errors, php errors, etc. And then also write to the developer if you do not have access to the site and ask them to make the necessary changes in the topic.

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