MagoVinch2014-02-02 14:45:30
MagoVinch, 2014-02-02 14:45:30

Neural network in python. Is there literature?

There is a desire to do neural networks using Python. Advise where to start?

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3 answer(s)
Oleg, 2014-02-02

You will definitely find something for yourself
hashcode.ru/questions/197553 /%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%83%D1...
http://habrahabr.ru/search/?q=[%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0% B9%...

Sergey, 2014-02-02
Protko @Fesor

have you tried googling? If we take the neural networks themselves, then there is not much difference from language to language.
If we take specific tools, then there are a lot of them: FFnet, PyNN, PyBrain. According to the latter, there was definitely information on the same hub with examples of work, well, this is the most popular library for python from this genre.

lightcaster, 2014-02-03

A neural network in python - with a dozen lines of code (using numpy). The language is far secondary, the main thing is to understand the model. Then write on anything.

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