Nonpacie2021-03-20 21:09:45
Nonpacie, 2021-03-20 21:09:45

Need help with those. task. What to google?

I wrote to HR of a little-known company and suggested trying to complete the terms of reference:
1) The console application for collecting information from computer and sending it to webService. Connection must be set by webSocket. Information for collecting: Computer name, time zone, OS Name, .net version.

2) WebService should track when device goes online and offline, get information from device every 5 minutes and send that information to azure function.

3) Azure function for processing information from webService. It should update information only if needed (if we found the difference between current state and previous result) use DB ms sql, for connection - linqToDB

I'm just starting to learn ASP, and I still don't understand what they want from me. Nevertheless, on the basis of this task, I want to try to start understanding ASP. The question is, What do you need to google and know in order to complete each task at a minimum level.

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Ananiev, 2021-03-20

They want a console application that sends data to a web service via a websocket.
They want a web service that accepts data from a console application via a websocket.
An Azure function is wanted that processes information from a web service. Use ms sql server database, and linkToDb to interact with the database.

Roman, 2021-03-20

If you are just starting to learn ASP, then in order to do everything competently and with understanding, and not copy-paste. you will first have to thoroughly understand the basics and improve your skill. Don't jump right into it.)

Leonid, 2021-03-21

Google won't help you here.

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