bizgrof2018-02-10 15:26:44
bizgrof, 2018-02-10 15:26:44

Need advice. Is this a normal switch case in Laravel 5.4 controller?

I want to ask for advice on using switch case in laravel controller.
The bottom line is this: I have a Posts table where the status column is stored.
For my convenience, I put the following possible options in the statuses ('published', 'approval', 'draft')
In the controller, I created a function in which I will check the status and translate into human language:

public function status($status) {
    	switch ($status) {
        case 'draft':
        	$status = 'Черновик';
        case 'published':
          $status = 'Опубликовано';
        case 'approval':
        	$status = 'На утверждении';
        	$status = null;
    	return $status;

Is this normal, or are there better ways to implement this?

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1 answer(s)
Maxim Fedorov, 2018-02-10

it’s better to make an array constant in the model, in which you translate this case, and also make a method right there in the model to get the status

public const STATUSES = [
    'draft' => 'Черновик',
    'published' => 'Опубликовано',
    'approval' => 'На утверждении',

public function getRuStatus(string $status): string
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Status not found.');

    return self::STATUSES[$status];

further use:
And of course, this array will come in handy for you, for example, in the admin panel in the drop-down list to display a list of statuses:

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