GFX Data2019-10-08 12:12:24
Network administration
GFX Data, 2019-10-08 12:12:24

Need a simple file upload/share service with C#/.Net API?

There is a children's terminal application for creating cartoons.
He needs to upload (authorized) a small video file (up to 20mb) for up to a day.
With receiving a download link (without authorization, any device).
I tried the Google Drive API v3, it seems to be difficult, maybe there are some simpler services.
You can’t pull the user for authorization, the app itself must gain access and upload, having received a link.
If anyone has experienced this, please advise!

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2 answer(s)
Sergei Iamskoi, 2019-10-08

cloudflare. The 'CloudFlare C# Api' query has many library variations.

shai_hulud, 2019-10-08

any hoster will give you the distribution of your files via HTTP, regardless of the technology of PHP, Python, .NET, etc. the server behind which your "site" will stand will be able to distribute files via HTTP. Some providers give access to uploading to the "site" directory via (S)FTP. The point is that you upload to the root directory of the site via FTP, and then take these files via HTTP. In some places you can even snatch free hosting for these purposes. But this is of course a homeless option, for those who do not want to bother.

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