Timur Tuz2013-06-21 08:55:39
Timur Tuz, 2013-06-21 08:55:39

Need a browser framework for online drawing

Firework! I was puzzled by the manual of the online designer-drawer ala the greatly curtailed ms visio. Drawing / dragging squares, lines, circles, decorating them, setting custom properties, layers of objects, api by accessing this economy.
Found several options for fremvorkov. But none of them provide such tricks as: splitting intersecting objects along intersection lines (explode) or getting an array of intersection points of several objects with each other. Can anyone tell me in which direction to cut and what technology is better for this business?

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4 answer(s)
bmforce, 2013-06-21

One example: raphaeljs.com/graffle.html

simbajoe, 2013-06-21

Look towards SVG.

Andrey, 2013-06-21

d3js.org . If you do not need support for IE8 and less. Raphaël and D3 are SVG wrappers. Don't forget that SVG is DOM with all that it implies. Canvas is faster - but it's raster graphics.

timetogo, 2013-06-21

Check out this one using SVG (VML for IE) and based on Raphael: code.google.com/p/jsvectoreditor/

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