sorry_i_noob2018-07-05 22:36:09
sorry_i_noob, 2018-07-05 22:36:09

MySQL - in the database in the lines of the regular expression. How to search by comparing data with a regular expression in strings?

Hello. I have regular expressions in my database. Help write a request. Something like this one:

SELECT * FROM column WHERE url_regexp ПОДХОДИТ ДЛЯ СТРОКИ "/about"

A line should be found that has a url_regexp like this, for example: ^(\/about).*.

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3 answer(s)
Immortal_pony, 2018-07-06

SELECT * FROM `column` WHERE '/about' REGEXP url_regexp

Dimonchik, 2018-07-05

1) in the line you leave only az : "about"
2) like %about%

Andrey, 2018-07-06

There are probably not millions of routes, select everything (filtering everything that is possible during the selection) and sort it out on the client.
or use regexp from mysql

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