Boris the Animal2016-03-11 14:41:42
Boris the Animal, 2016-03-11 14:41:42

MS SQL Server data replication. Is there a normal description of what it is and how to set it up?

Hello. There is a task to make database replication. The database must store data for the specified period of time, all data whose storage time in the database exceeds the specified time must be merged into the archive. The archive can be anything and in any form. But there is such a moment that sometimes it will be necessary to get data from the archive and view it.
Does anyone have any ideas how to implement this? I either google the wrong thing, or I haven’t come across normal material yet, but I haven’t found what I need yet.

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Filatov, 2016-03-11

Replication is a bit of what you want.
Set up a scheduler or triggers that will export old data. To another database, to a file, or somewhere else. And delete these records in case of successful export.
And to view archived data, you can write a simple program or script that will display or search for this data.
The main thing is to decide on the format and regulations.

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