alexiusgrey2021-11-11 15:54:38
Mozilla Firefox
alexiusgrey, 2021-11-11 15:54:38

Mozilla doesn't see svg(stroke) outlines, how to fix?

In chrome and opera everything works fine, but in mozilla there are no outlines. I googled information in English, it is either 2006-2010, and the methods from there did not help, or not at all about my case. Maybe someone had it?
SVG itself with animation.
I know that the task is strange, it's just the way it should be - exactly svg.

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12 answer(s)
RAX7, 2021-11-11

There is a mistake in the name of the filter arguments.

<filter id="filter0_b_601_49" x="93.425" y="129.676" width="237" height="445.648" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
      <feFlood flood-opacity="0" result="BackgroundImageFix"></feFlood>
-      <feGaussianBlur in="BackgroundImage" stdDeviation="25"></feGaussianBlur>
+      <feGaussianBlur in="BackgroundImageFix" stdDeviation="25"></feGaussianBlur>
      <feComposite in2="SourceAlpha" operator="in" result="effect1_backgroundBlur_601:49"></feComposite>
      <feBlend mode="normal" in="SourceGraphic" in2="effect1_backgroundBlur_601:49" result="shape"></feBlend>

Chrome apparently ignores the curve filter and renders without it, and the fox simply refuses to draw the element with such a filter.
Why this filter is needed at all remains a mystery to me

Flying, 2021-11-11

You have some filters hanging on the groups ( <g filter="url(#filter0_b_601:49)" id="fg-group">) which lead to the disappearance of strokes.
Why it is used there is not very clear, I did not see the visual differences between "with a filter" and "without a filter", but in particular, feGaussianBlur is used there. Removing this filter component (or the entire filter) corrects the problem.

SOTVM, 2021-11-11

don't be smart,
just roll back to the old version
so that there are no such problems = use ESR
for 5 years the fox has not fallen
create a new profile
runfirefox -p

Denis Evra, 2015-02-24

You can try to run this special program from Google https://www.google.com/chrome/srt/
They say it was created to deal with such pests, but it is not known whether it will cope with mail.ru)

ItsGreyDay, 2015-02-24

try scanning your PC with the free program adwcleaner (removes "adware" applications and various "redirects")

Stanislav Oskolkov, 2015-02-24

Windows? Is it the same in another browser (IE)? Is there anything extra in hosts?
1) View what is superfluous hanging in the processes
2) View what is suspicious in the system using HiJackThis

Vyacheslav Barsukov, 2015-02-24

Add-ons to the browser, look and disable those that are not used.

mayorovp, 2015-02-25

Does Google work on http or https? What certificate?

Vladimir Dubrovin, 2016-11-06

1. Отключите все расширения в хроме. Лучше вообще удалить (или временно переименовать) профиль пользователя в %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome
2. В свойствах сетевого соединения (Центр управления сетями и общим доступом / Изменения параметров адаптера, там свойства сетевого и бесроводного соединений, смотря какие используются) / протокол Интернета версии 4
если прописаны параметры DNS-серверов, удалите их (переключите в "получать адрес DNS-сервера автоматически) или пропишите известные публичные адреса, например от Google.
3. Удалите все записи в c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
если это не поможет, можно попробовать открыть командную строку и дать команды
netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt
netsh winsock reset

dontmantionit, 2016-12-12

everything is exactly the same! All the tips on the points above did not help until I disabled the Webarchive extension, disabled everything in turn including, until I was sure that it was it that threw me into the "soap"

semendra, 2018-02-24

That's the problem. I myself came across, the removal of the adblock helped (there was an adblock plus) moved it to the classic one, it helped.

Artyom Yakunin, 2020-12-28

I had the same problem, removed unnecessary extensions and no longer throws me into the property of domestic

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