Ivan Zhuravlev2012-02-28 13:51:13
Ivan Zhuravlev, 2012-02-28 13:51:13

Morphological live search?

There was such an idea and, accordingly, the task, there is a service in which users leave tickets and there is also a FAQ in which most of the questions have already been described. I decided to do a live search on the text field of the ticket message, so that when typing words, she would look for answers in the FAQ. I ask for your advice, what solutions are there or what can be taken as a basis. Based on nodejs.
- Ability to check each word, not sentences or phrases;
- Exclusion from the check of all "a", "not", "c", etc.;
— Morphological declension of the searched words, checking for all variants;
- Automatic compilation of the search base from the selected text, the possibility of reindexing with the addition of a new one;
— Fast work, I can immerse
the entire database into the operative if necessary, if there is such a function in some solution, then it’s generally good

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2 answer(s)
shagguboy, 2012-02-28


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