D_drop2016-11-24 22:45:20
D_drop, 2016-11-24 22:45:20

Modx revo, how to sort resources on click?

Recently I started to study modx, there is such a question:
There is an output of resources on the page through PdoResourse
There is a Select tag and 2 options: by date, alphabetically.
How to make sure that when you click in Select on an option, the sorting is what you need? I am attaching screenshots for clarity.
Is there a way to do this without self-written snippets (didn't learn how to write snippets)?
Resource output


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2 answer(s)
Ruslan, 2016-11-24

Hello, without a snippet in any way, because pdoResources has already displayed resources on the site based on the &sortby parameter, and you cannot change the parameter through select.
Here is an example of how simple sorting is done, it is not difficult there, all codes are presented with comments - https://modx.ru/novosti-i-stati/article/216

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