Finom2012-02-16 02:22:07
Mobile development
Finom, 2012-02-16 02:22:07

Mobile web framework?

Tell me where you can find a mobile CSS + JS framework similar to jQuery Mobile, but using XUI and CSS3 animations, without code overload (in non-minimized jQMobile ~ 7000 lines, not counting the library itself; they shove everything that is needed and not needed, in other , as in all jQuery projects), preferably using LESS or a similar framework. I mean controls, bars, basic animation effects. Moreover, one of the main criteria is the absence of an idiotic restructuring and complication of all the standard elements of the gui: from alerts to selects, which already look good on mobile devices.
I will not refuse links to the “pure” CSS (LESS) framework, without JS. It may even be preferable to be able to control the behavior yourself.
In general, it would be nice to have more options and build on a specific task.
Thanks in advance.

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3 answer(s)
Konstantin, 2012-02-16

Try searching here:
zeptojs.com/ == ultrafast jQuery

Eugene, 2012-02-16

Join the search.
jQueryMobile is idea 5, implementation 2.
Who came up with the idea to make it as an add-on to jQuery? This is a complete mess: we take jquery with its fixes, put it on top of the mobile, and we get a bunch of where and complete lag.

avalak, 2012-02-16

You may find something useful:
iPhone CSS Template

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