alekseyizmaylov2016-11-16 21:28:54
alekseyizmaylov, 2016-11-16 21:28:54

Mobile app development - where to start and how long does it take?

Hello, dear experts,
I work in one of the engineering fields - I constantly have to shovel a bunch of regulatory literature, while I always dreamed of learning at least a little programming - I want to combine business with pleasure - try to make a help application for Android so that the program is useful to me and the interface nice to come up with.
To begin with, I want to make a simple program - I filled out a questionnaire with the parameters of the object and received the necessary information.
Please tell me where do I start, what do I need to study and how much time do I need to plan for this?
I already bought a book on Java - a big one)) I started to study, but really, in order to do what I want, you need to read the whole book - you can start somewhere and continue reading the book, I want to see something done on my own) Maybe Can you give me some more advice on where to start?
Please tell
me what languages ​​to study?
what programs for programming and interface development?
what literature would be helpful?
maybe a helpful video?
I don’t believe much in video courses - the info business is built in such a way as to draw out more than teach ... maybe I’m wrong and there are good courses?

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5 answer(s)
_ _, 2016-11-16

I recommend the following - start reading literature on android development.
As soon as you stumble upon an unfamiliar construct, open the Java literature and nibble on the part related to the new unfamiliar construct until insight comes.
So it will be easier to progress - the result will be visible, not in the form of abstract console outputs, but in the form of development (albeit not fast) of an application that is interesting to you.

Рафаэль ™, 2016-11-17

лучше выбери js css html - порог вхождения значительно ниже

FoxInSox, 2016-11-16

6 месяцев. Читать книгу по джаве и документацию по андроиду.

Максим, 2016-11-18

Написал своё первое вменяемое (а не тестовое) приложение с приличным интерфейсов за пару месяцев по вечерам. Читал официальную документацию и гуглил по нужным темам.
Единственное - в разработке я давно и на java уже писал на момент подхода к android.
Так что проходите базовый курс по java (вот книжка что вы купили скорее всего подойдёт) для ознакомления с java core, а потом можете сразу переходить под anroid - по учебникам/туториалам/документации, тут уж как кому удобнее.

Northwood_FX, 2020-02-01

Начните для всех платформ на Dart\Flutter - это гораздо быстрее и проще всего :

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