Anatoly Bulgarin2017-05-06 12:10:33
Anatoly Bulgarin, 2017-05-06 12:10:33

Minimum application of bootstrap 4?

As a beginner, I am tormented by the question, what must be taken from bootstrap?
Having difficulties and confusion in the head from its native tags in the navigation menu, is it acceptable to use only its main properties, namely the grid system? (fluid-container, col-xl- col-sm- col-md- col-lg-)
Thanks for your reply.

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2 answer(s)
lomaz, 2017-05-06

Many, including myself, take only nets. You can also take something for the admin area of ​​the site where the design does not really matter.
And for the main content, it is poorly suited, it is better to set the styles yourself.

Dima Pautov, 2017-05-06

And why do you need to take a bootstrap, don't you think?

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