vvchumanov2015-11-13 02:38:08
vvchumanov, 2015-11-13 02:38:08

mikrotik rb2011?

people set up a firewall and port forwarding for l2tp and pptp connections to a local server. Everything is running great. Then I add port 80 and a couple more web ports 8081 to the same local server, and then the mess begins. Web 80 and 8081 do not work, on the local network the server on 80 and 8081 works fine, but the problem does not want to work with access to these two ports.
(Web access to Mikrotik translated, of course, to another port)
where there may be an underwater pit.

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2 answer(s)
Cool Admin, 2015-11-13

Duck in the configuration you have an underwater pit =)
But it’s impossible to say more precisely, you don’t show the config.

Fess, 2015-11-16

vvchumanov : Your config, which is indicated in the comments, adds more questions.
Give the full config: /export hide-sensitive command will hide sensitive data from export.
Do not cut the output, otherwise it is difficult to guess what you cut out of it and what should have been, but is missing for some reason.

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