Artouiros2011-07-14 20:03:53
Artouiros, 2011-07-14 20:03:53

Memory leak in Skype - Fedora Edition

I've been using Fedora for quite some time now. Starting with a certain version, I don’t remember which one, I began to observe periodic freezes of Skype and the system as a whole, due to a memory overdraft (yes, it was eating up all the free memory).

Now the 15th version is in the yard, and this problem began to appear more often, if I began to use Skype more often. Randomly, when Skype starts, it starts the process described above, regardless of the system boot, third-party programs, etc. At one moment it can start normally, at another it can stupidly put the system. This is what SELinux AVC outputs after the system kills Skype (I guess that's exactly what it does, because after a while Skype is killed and the system continues to function). At one time I was looking for bug reports on the Internet about this, but I did not find it.

Opps, sealert hit an error!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/sealert", line 692, in run_as_dbus_service(username)
File "/usr/bin/sealert", line 112, in run_as_dbus_service
app = SEAlert(user, dbus_service.presentation_manager, watch_setroubleshootd=True)
File "/usr/bin/sealert", line 326, in __init__
from setroubleshoot.browser import BrowserApplet
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setroubleshoot/browser.py", line 41, in import report.io.GTKIO
ImportError: No module named GTKIO

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3 answer(s)
sust, 2011-07-14

As for the sealert error, it seems to have nothing to do with Skype. According to links from Google, it is solved by installing report-gtk.

sust, 2011-07-14

I can also randomly advise you to try downloading not an rpm-package, but statically (well, dynamically) linked versions. See how it will be. Well, I repeat, there may be something interesting in the logs .

itspers, 2011-07-14

The same trouble was on ubuntu 10, and after upgrading to 11 it hangs 15 times a day. I tried different versions and Google links ... I finally got tired and moved to imo.im

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