hollanditkzn2017-08-14 13:55:39
hollanditkzn, 2017-08-14 13:55:39

Maybe there are other simple solutions in yii2?

I have a number, I didn’t get it before, now I had to convert the phone number into a telephone format, before it was a regular phone number without restrictions. Let's say 89274434521 was stored like this, now I need to convert it like this 8 (927) 443-45-21. I found this solution on the Internet, but it seemed too much code, maybe there is some kind of ready-made solution for yii2?

<div><?php $s = $model->phone;
        echo $s[0].' ('.$s[1].$s[2].$s[3].') '.$s[4].$s[5].$s[6].'-'.$s[7].$s[8].'-'.$s[9].$s[10]; ?></div>

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2 answer(s)
Vitaly Khomenko, 2017-08-14

$phone = '89274434521';

$formatted = preg_replace(
    '$1 ($2) $3-$4-$5',

echo $formatted; # 8 (927) 443-45-21

vyachin, 2017-08-14


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