Vanya Mironov2020-01-05 22:18:39
Vanya Mironov, 2020-01-05 22:18:39

Maybe someone knows why the likes stopped showing up?

Such a problem before, likes were displayed normally, but now they are no longer displayed, can anyone know what the problem is?



$sql = $mysqli->query('SELECT * FROM `status`');

while($db = $sql->fetch_array()) {
  if($db['status_id']=='4') {
date_default_timezone_set ($db['city']);

  $getMessages = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/messages.getConversations?lang=ru&count=1&access_token='.$db['token'].'&v=5.77');
  $getMessagesJson = json_decode($getMessages,1);
  $userIdLastMessage = $getMessagesJson['response']['items'][0]['last_message']['from_id'];
  $getDataOfLastUser = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/users.get?lang=ru&user_ids='.$userIdLastMessage.'&name_case=gen&access_token='.$db['token'].'&v=5.77');
  $getDataOfLastUserJson = json_decode($getDataOfLastUser,1);
  $lastUserName = $getDataOfLastUserJson['response']['0']['first_name'];
  $lastUserSurname = $getDataOfLastUserJson['response']['0']['last_name'];

$time1 = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0');
$time2 = array('1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '6⃣', '7⃣', '8⃣', '9⃣', '0⃣');
$time = str_replace($time1, $time2, date("H:i"));

$date1 = array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0');
$date2 = array('1⃣', '2⃣', '3⃣', '4⃣', '5⃣', '6⃣', '7⃣', '8⃣', '9⃣', '0⃣');
$date = str_replace($date1, $date2, date("d.m"));

$RequestsGet = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/users.get?user_ids='.$db['user_id'].'&fields=online&name_case=Nom&access_token='.$db['token'].'&v=5.77');
$json1 = json_decode($RequestsGet,1);
$countR = $json1[response][0][online_mobile];
$countD = $json1[response][0][online];

$online2 = array(
0 => 'Я &#128564;', 1 => 'Я с &#128187;'
$online = array(
1 => 'Я с &#128242;'
if ($countR == 1) {
} else {

$getLikes = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/photos.get?album_id=profile&rev=1&extended=1&count=1&access_token='.$access_token.'');
$getLikesJson = json_decode($getLikes,1);
$likes = $getLikesJson['response']['0']['likes']['count'];

$список_блоченных = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/account.getBanned?access_token='.$db['token'].'&v=5.77');
$json = json_decode($список_блоченных,1);
$колво_в_чс = $json['response']['count'];
$smiles = array("", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "");
$smiles2 = array("", "", "","", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "");
$rand = rand(0,count($smiles) - 1); 
$rand2 = rand(0,count($smiles) - 1); 
$rand3 = rand(0,count($smiles2) - 1);  
$smail = $smiles2[$rand]; 
$smail2 = $smiles2[$rand2];
$smail3 = $smiles[$rand3]; 

$status = '|&#8987;|'.$time.' ('.$smail2.') На аве:'.$likes.'❤ ('.$smail.')&#13; |&#128197;|'.$date.' Последнее ✉ от '.$lastUserName.' '.$lastUserSurname.' | ⛔В чс: '.$колво_в_чс.' | '.$answer.' | ('.$smail3.')';
$Status = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/status.set?text='.urlencode($status).'&access_token='.$db['token'].'&v=5.77');
function curl( $url ){
$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
$response = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
return $response;


Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

3 answer(s)
makag, 2020-01-06

In the request to get the number of likes, you do not have an indication of the API version.
Just try to open two options in the browser:
a) the one you have now
b) one that will work:
Karoch, in the request for "likes" add at the end&v=5.77

Dimonchik, 2020-01-05

little code
what F12 Network says?

Uno, 2020-01-06

$getLikes = curl('https://api.vk.com/method/photos.get?album_id=profile&rev=1&extended=1&count=1&access_token='.$access_token.'');
$getLikesJson = json_decode($getLikes,1);

Look at what's in $getLikesJson and put what you need in $likes correctly

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