1998or22020-07-14 23:00:50
Web development
1998or2, 2020-07-14 23:00:50

Maybe php instead of python?

Friends, I need help, advice.
Straight to the point. Purpose - sites, web. Learned Python for the Web. I started learning Django, and I feel that the farther, the more I swim and understand less and less, as if I'm spinning in one place. I study from books and video lessons, write notes. I memorize. But I don’t understand a lot of what came from where, what exactly is needed for what. Maybe I’m not teaching correctly, or I don’t need to go deep into every word in a class and function from scratch, and dig into its appearance, where and why, and why.
I noticed that almost all sites on the Internet are in php, but at the same time the language is so criticized that during my choice it influenced me and I chose python with the goal of django. But now I look again and again towards php. All the sites that I meet and that I like are in php, and nothing slows down, and everything flies, and so on.
There are several questions, I will write in order, and I would like structured answers (I will mark all adequate ones as useful).

1. Which language is easier for a beginner to enter - python / django or php (Laravel, Symfony ...)?
2. Does it make sense for the web to know both - both python and php? Or is it better to hit deep into one of them?
3. On what sites to write faster? I read a lot about how to easily and quickly build sites on django from my work, and so on. How is it with php?
4. Why is php recommended for freelancing? How does he get around python in freelancing?
5. Why do many large companies and not only still prefer php, and not the vaunted python with django/flask and so on?

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5 answer(s)
McBernar, 2020-07-15

I think you need to write less notes and do more projects.
You can read at least all the books on Python, but as soon as you sit down to do something, it immediately turns out that you don’t know anything.
Reading and being able to apply are two different things. This is a very big misconception of many people, that if I watched some kind of programming video, then I understood everything. Watched videos and read books without real practice is nothing. Waste of time.
Do projects, solve problems as they come. You will understand many of the nuances during work and there will be no need to study them specially.

balberbro, 2020-07-15

Already posted 100% of the time.
1) You do not live in Moscow or St. Petersburg. You are not a student of some top university (where the guys from mail.ru/yandex and so on come from) - they recruit interns. No need to learn python, because you will find a job in FIG. On the same php or java or even net it will be much easier to find a job.
2) The specificity of Python in the Russian Federation is such that quite complex projects are written on it by small product teams, which means that they take only established and experienced programmers (not counting internships with tops).
You just need to understand that this is not a question of language and how cool it is. It's a matter of whether you can find a job or not.
ps in Python, it’s really possible to find a job with little experience only in QA-Automation.

Dimonchik, 2020-07-14

Which programming language should I choose in my cases?

Saboteur, 2020-07-15

> Which language is easier for a beginner to enter - python/django or php(Laravel, Symfony...)?
No difference
> 2. Does it make sense for the web to know both python and php? Or is it better to hit deep into one of them?
Yes, but deepening starts at the mid-specialist stage, not the junior one. And you're not a junior yet.
> 3. On what sites to write faster? I read a lot about how to easily and quickly build sites on django from my work, and so on. How is it with php?
It is faster to write sites from your own developments, the language is not important here.
> 4. Why is php recommended for freelancing? How does he get around python in freelancing?
Apparently more orders for php
> 5. Why do many large companies and not only still prefer php, and not the vaunted python with django / flask and so on?
Because there are a lot of frameworks in php, but few in python.
Because LARGE companies did not appear yesterday, but many years ago, when python + django was not yet at its best. Because php just works, and it makes no sense to rewrite just like that out of the blue.

sashabeep, 2020-07-15

For the most part, for "classic" sites, PHP is much more popular, and in general, the demand for PHP developers is much higher. How it happened is simple: C-like syntax, cheap hosting, a lot of engines.
There was one django specialist in our city. All his sites have long been closed or transferred to "normal" CMS, and he himself is rowing somewhere.
Yes, nothing slows down, everything flies, replacing the site in a few minutes without picking the configs, and so on. Customers don't care what language the site is in. Only the cost of producing sites in PHP, on average, is much less

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