fourthMAN2019-10-08 16:36:38
fourthMAN, 2019-10-08 16:36:38

Math in FrontEnd?

Sorry for the banal question.
What level of knowledge of mathematics is required in the field of front-end development at the junior, middle, senior levels? What tasks did you need knowledge of mathematics?

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2 answer(s)
Andrew, 2019-10-08

Elementary geometry and dividers 12.

Ivan Bogachev, 2019-10-08

School math is enough for layout - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and, very sometimes, understanding of sines and cosines, in order to more accurately calculate CSS transformations with rotations, and not adjust them by eye.
To write the logic itself, general considerations about the complexity of algorithms and some standard data structures may be necessary, but only if you are developing something non-standard. If a company specializes in something like that, then they can require this knowledge from interns as well, so that everyone speaks the same language. In other cases, you will collect already implemented algorithms.
For complex SVG animations, shaders, and non-standard WebGL tinkering in general, you need to develop a mathematical flair in order to know roughly where to look if something happens. I would say that it is easier to list here what is not necessary to know than what is still worth getting to know. You can watch the video of Yuri Artyukh - he regularly uses all sorts of interesting things in this regard. And here it is not so much about seniors in terms of their role in the team, but about specific tasks.

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