Dehumanizer2012-09-07 01:15:02
Dehumanizer, 2012-09-07 01:15:02

Manuals / books on the memory device and not only?

Hello, dear experienced programmers,

The question is not about what books you recommend on programming, etc.
I would like books / manuals / articles that deal with issues of operation and memory devices.
Perhaps I can’t formulate the question correctly, I’ll try to list topics that I would like to know nowhere deeper:
1) Stack memory device
2) Dynamic and, in general, all types of memory device (read-only, constant area, etc.), for the first time about I learned them from G. Sutter's books.
3) The structure of the program is at a low level (maybe the OS manual is also suitable, but I don’t know where to start)
4) How the first compiler was compiled :)
5) ...

Thanks in advance.

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6 answer(s)
ixSci, 2012-09-07

1. What every programmer should know about memory
2. Windows via C++. Part 3. Jeffrey Richter
3. WIndows internals, Chapter 9. Mark Russinovich
Russinovich and Richter's books are in Russian.

Alexey Akulovich, 2012-09-07

4) How the first compiler was compiled :)
– Jack Crenshaw. "Let's build a compiler!" The best thing to start.
— Ravi, Seti, Ulman. "Compilers. Principles, technologies and tools.» (2nd or 3rd edition)
- Kaufman “Programming languages. Concepts and principles”. But not for starters.
- Wirth "Building Compilers". Also not a start.

egorinsk, 2012-09-07

At a low level, a program, for example, in the C language, is compiled into assembly code, which is different for each processor. The most popular processor is Intel x86, so I advise books on the operation of the processor and Intel x86 assembler, registers there, commands, and all that. I really don't know which book to recommend.

Pavel Nazarov, 2012-09-07

I recommend, for a general understanding, etc. (under paragraph 3 is suitable).
K. Kaspersky “Program optimization technique. Efficient use of memory"

ramntry, 2012-09-07

Look at least at the chapter www.plantation-productions.com/Webster/www.artofasm.com/Linux/HTML/Volume2.html from the Art of Assembly Book - I have not seen
a more competent and intelligible introduction to PC architecture issues from a programmer's position .
You can also recommend selective chapters from Bruce Eckel - his two books on C ++:
“Philosophy of C ++. Introduction to Standard C++” and
“C++ Philosophy. Practical Programming" .
In these books, where possible, B. Eckel dwells in particular detail on some issues of working with memory.
For example, it describes in detail the process of passing by value large structures to functions - useful information if
you want to imagine how you program the stack when you're working in C++.

Kirill Rybakov, 2012-09-07

Any thick book on assembler.

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