polyakov_andrey2011-09-26 13:44:12
polyakov_andrey, 2011-09-26 13:44:12

Mailing of letters

Hello residents of Habry, such a situation is given, a server on debian installed on it exim 4, which sends all mail via smtp server google, mail is also attached to a domain on google.
And now the question is how to quickly send mail to 5000 users (data are in the mysql database), who, when registering, indicated their email addresses and agreed to send mail?

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2 answer(s)
polevsl, 2011-09-26

Good afternoon.
If the users really agreed to send mail during registration, I would not waste the resources of your server, Google smtp, and the time it takes to write the script if I were you.
www.mailchimp.com/ - more expensive;
www.marketion.ru/ - cheaper ( http://www.marketion.ru/price.html - M1 tariff plan, a penny in general; and if you have a startup - it's completely free).
But everything is of high quality, quickly and without the invention of bicycles.

IlVin, 2011-09-28


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